
Friday, February 22, 2008

Jack’s third birthday

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Jack’s birthday was a bit of a blur. By that time, my fever had kicked in and I was experiencing a bit of  delirium. We did not go out to lunch as we had planned. I made a cake (from a mix!) and he opened presents from aunt kathy (fun stuff!), grandma romy (great books on cd), and lots of horsey stuff from aunt b – super crazy – see here. jack puts these on and runs around the house pretending to be some wild little pony – hilarious.

jack’s bday party – i missed it – i was upstairs in my bed with a fever of almost 104. lots of kids and parents came to the house, made treasure chests and pirate flags, ate pizza, ate blue pirate cake and icecream, ran around on a sugar high, crashed, and left. jack had a blast. the cake was beautiful! and delicious and i was very sad to have missed the party! cindy, lou, and albert pitched in and helped ernesto manage the craziness of kids, stickers, glue, food, and parents.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

weekends in the city: sundays

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today was filled with a soccer birthday party OUTSIDE the city – we have now left boston two weekends in a row! (often months will go by without leaving the city.) ernesto picked up the zipcar yesterday afternoon and we motored on down to the party this morning. a soccer party filled with children under the age of five and their attendant parents. after running around for 45 minutes, jack inhaled four pieces of pizza and a piece of cake with blue frosting. needless to say, he fell asleep within minutes of getting onto the highway to return to the city. the weekend flew by and I have a grueling schedule planned for this week. 

I would love to hear from people on children’s themed parties – I just finished writing out invites to jack’s pirate party — Kathy – please send me any tips you have from Gabriel’s pirate party a couple of years ago.

Photos will be posted later tonight – ciao!

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